The Internal Revenue Service began accepting individual tax returns on Friday
Even though the IRS is encouraging taxpayers to use its free filing software and do it themselves, there are many people who absolutely must use the services of a qualified tax professional.
New Homeowners – they bought a home and, very possibly, sold a home. Do-it-yourselfers will most likely miss out on many deductions they could claim. And, the lifetime value of a New Homeowner is immeasurable!
Parents of New Babies – these families have brand new "deductions" to take advantage of. New parents have enough on their plate to deal with, never mind filing their taxes.
Earned Tax Income Credit – The IRS is estimating that 20% of people who are eligible for an ETIC refund don't claim it – either they don't know they are eligible or don't understand how to file.
Seniors – Traditionally, this market is loath to fill out and submit their personal information on line. This group most often utilizes the services of a tax professional to handle their annual returns. They respond to direct mail and, if they get a marketing piece from a tax professional at the right time, are likely to use their services.
Accountants who haven't done their prospect mailing for this year, need to get their marketing ducks in a row and mail – mail – mail!
Dataman Group has been providing mail lists that work for Accountants for 30+ years.