
1994 Hartford Ave, PO Box 1930
Wilder, VT 05088

About Datamann

Established in 1975, Datamann, Inc. is a privately owned and operated company in the heart of the Upper Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire. We exist to help our clients succeed by increasing their profits and growing their business. For national and international multi-channel marketers and retailers, we provide mailing services, marketing databases, retail and order management software and hardware, catalog and website critiques and business intelligence/analytics. For local small to midsize businesses, we provide support for hardware software and networks, as well as educational classes.

Competitors of Datamann

Dataman Group offers direct mail, telemarketing lists and email lists with hundreds of different options designed for top response. Homeowners; Mortgage Holders; Hotline Lists of New Homeowners, Parents of Children, New Movers & New Businesses; Ailment Sufferers, Lifestyle & Donor Lists; Turning... Read More

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